United States

The Housing Finance Sector data for United States extends back to 1990. Please click on the Research Center tab above to access data for previous years not shown.

United States: Statistical Data At-A-Glance
Total population333.29 million2022WDI
Urban population (% of total)83.08% of total2022WDI
GDP, current prices (U.S. dollars)25,464,475 USD (millions)2022WEO
GDP based on PPP per capita GDP (Current international dollar)70,159.77 USD 2021WEO
Inflation, end of period consumer prices (Percent change)1.92%2018WEO
Lending rate4.9%2018IFS
Owner-occupied units49.3% of total2018U.S. Census Bureau
Total amount of home mortgage loans outstanding at the end of year in millions of USD:12,342,403 USD (millions)2018Federal Reserve
Total amount of home mortgage loans outstanding at the end of year as % of GDP (current)59.97%2018Federal Reserve
Total # of home mortgage loans outstanding at the end of year18,691,550 thousand2012Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
Typical LTV at origination702018Urban Institute
Typical pmt-to-income ratio (HH income)Not available2011Country Editor
Retail funding (deposits/other)secondary2018Deloitte
Wholesale funding: loans from other banks or corporationstertiary2018Deloitte
Funding through securitization of mortgagesprimary2018Deloitte
Typical number of days needed for the transfer of title15.22018WDI
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Wharton Zell Lurie Real Estate Center

The Samuel Zell and Robert Lurie Real Estate Center was permanently endowed by Samuel Zell in 1998. The Center was established in 1983 by The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania to foster excellence in real estate education and research.