The Housing Finance System

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A. Primary Housing Finance Market

A.1 Industry Structure and Performance
VariableEnd of 2018End of 2017End of 2016SourcesVar ID
Number of firms originating and funding mortgage loans238245250
Country Editor, Bank of Spain
Types of originating lenders/market share:A.1.2
Universal/ commercial banks97.96% of total98% of total97.94% of total
Bank of Spain
Non-depository financial institutions specialized in housing finance2.04% of total2% of total2.06% of total
Bank of Spain
Identify the 3 largest loan originating lendersBanco Santander, BBVA, CaixaBankBanco Santander, BBVA, CaixaBankBanco Santander, BBVA, CaixaBank
Country Editor
Are there (quasi) public mortgage lenders:NoNoNo
Country Editor
Universal/ commercial banksNoNoNo
Country Editor
Other depository institutions (savings and loans/mutual savings and credit institutions)NoNoNo
Country Editor
Non-depository financial institutions specialized in housing financeNoNoNo
Country Editor
General non-depository financial institutionsNoNoNo
Country Editor
Others (e.g. insurance co, pension funds, labor tax funds)NoNoNo
Country Editor
Level of Non-Performing Mortgage Loans (90 days or more past due):A.1.6
as a % of outstanding loan amount4.05%4.69%4.67%
Bank of Spain
Average 1997-2007 A.1.7
as a % of outstanding loan amount   .42%
Country Editor
A.2 Size of Mortgage Finance Sector
VariableEnd of 2018End of 2017End of 2016SourcesVar ID
Total amount of home mortgage loans outstanding at the end of year in millions of USD:564,144.6 USD (millions)596,905.32 USD (millions)538,911.95 USD (millions)
Bank of Spain
Total amount of home mortgage loans outstanding at the end of year as % of GDP (current)40.83%42.84%45.9%
Bank of Spain
and as % of all credits outstanding  27.62%
Total # of home mortgage loans outstanding at the end of year Not availableNot available
Total amount of home mortgages made in calendar year in millions of USD49,490.8 USD (millions)46,606 USD (millions)39,531.91 USD (millions)
Bank of Spain
and as % of GDP (current) 3.58%3.34%3.37%
Bank of Spain, National Institute of Statistics
and as % of all credits originated in calender year  39.23%A.2.3.2
Total # of home mortgage originations made in calendar yearNot availableNot available222.7 thousand
Bank of Spain
What % of total new mortgages is refinance?4.05%6.15%15.72%
Bank of Spain
A.3 Housing Finance Products
VariableEnd of 2018End of 2017End of 2016SourcesVar ID
Mortgage products as % of all mortgages (approx.) in local currency:A.3.1
Fixed rate for life of loan31.08%26.61%26.19%
Country Editor
Variable rate/indexed36.27%42.45%46.33%
Country Editor
Variable rate/discretionary0%0%0%
Country Editor
Other fully amortizing loans (e.g. Rollover)32.65%30.95%27.48%
Country Editor
Most prevalent type of foreign currency mortgage used:A.3.3
Most frequent interest rates on fully amortizing:A.3.4
discretionary ARM/10 year term1.58%1.55%1.67%
Country Editor, Bank of Spain
5 year roll-over/10 year term4.46%4.11%4.4%
Country Editor, Bank of Spain
Most frequent rate on interest only 10 yr FRM  Non-applicable
Typical lender fees associated with mortgage origination: A.3.6
Typical third party fees associated with mortgage origination:A.3.7
Loan-to-Value (LTV) on first mortgage: A.3.8
Maximum LTV808080
Country Editor
Typical LTV at origination808080
Country Editor
Maximum term over which pmt is calculated?   30 yearsA.3.9
Mortgage pmt-to-income ratio A.3.10
Typical pmt-to-income ratio (Individual income)  33%A.3.10.4
A.4 Lending and Servicing Process
VariableEnd of 2018End of 2017End of 2016SourcesVar ID
Does the mortgage industry use standard principles/guidelines for underwriting?YesYesYes
Country Editor
Which institutions define underwriting rules? A.4.2
Central Bank/Ministry of Finance  Yes
Editor Research
Are loan originations conducted by others than employees of lenders?YesYesYes
Country Editor
% of appraisals done by employees of lenders  Non-applicable
Do third party servicing institutions exist? YesYesYes
Country Editor
A.5 Credit Risk Assessment
VariableEnd of 2018End of 2017End of 2016SourcesVar ID
Do credit bureaus exist? YesYesYes
Country Editor
Are there legal/regulatory constraints to gaining access to credit information?YesYesYes
Country Editor
What percentage of mortgage originations use credit scoring?  Not available
Country Editor
Is mortgage default insurance available?YesYesYes
Country Editor
What is the typical MI product?  It varies. There are products that cover high LTVs and other designed for unemployment.
Country Editor
Are credit guarantee systems used?   Yes
Editor Research
Is there public sponsored MI / guarantee?NoNoNo
Country Editor
B. Funding Sources for Mortgages and the Secondary Mortgage Market
VariableEnd of 2018End of 2017End of 2016SourcesVar ID
What are the main funding sources for mortgages?B.1
Retail funding (deposits/other)primaryprimaryprimary
Country Editor, IMF
Wholesale funding: loans from other banks or corporationsNot availableNot availableNot available
Country Editor
Funding through mortgage bonds secondarysecondarysecondary
Country Editor
Funding through securitization of mortgagestertiarytertiarytertiary
Country Editor
Who are the investors in RMBS?institutional investorsinstitutional investorsinstitutional investors
Country Editor
What is the proportion of RMBS in the overall private securities market?32.53%33.38%36.6%
Bank of Spain
C. Housing Microfinance
VariableEnd of 2018End of 2017End of 2016SourcesVar ID
Types of lenders operating in the housing micro-finance (HMF) sector:C.2
Level of NPLs (>90 days past due) in HMFC.4
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Notes: as a % of all MORTGAGE credits originated in calendar year (gross lending)
Notes: as a % of all MORTGAGE credits originated in calendar year (gross lending)
Notes: In terms of outstanding mortgage lending.
Notes: In terms of outstanding mortgage lending.
Notes: In terms of outstanding mortgage lending.
Notes: In terms of outstanding mortgage lending.
Notes: In terms of outstanding mortgage lending.
Notes: In terms of outstanding mortgage lending.
Notes: In terms of outstanding mortgage lending.
Notes: In terms of outstanding mortgage lending.
Notes: market shares as % NEW loans. Data refers to initial fixed rate >= 10 years
Notes: market shares as % NEW loans. Data refers to initial fixed rate >= 10 years
Notes: market shares as % NEW loans. Data refers to initial fixed rate >= 10 years
Notes: Not frequently used
Notes: Not frequently used
Notes: Not frequently used
Notes: Not frequently used
Notes: Not frequently used.
Notes: Not frequently used.
Notes: Not frequently used.
Notes: Not frequently used.
Notes: The data refers to the total number of credit institutions but there is not available data of the number of which originating and funding mortgage loans. A) Deposit-taking institutions: 286 of which, Spanish companies: 198 B) Specialised credit institutions: 75 TOTAL CREDIT INSTITUTIONS (A+B): 362
Notes: -0.16
Notes: -0.34
Notes: -0.38
Notes: Annual average
Notes: Annual average
Notes: Annual average
Notes: Annual average
Notes: Annual average
Notes: Annual average
Notes: Annual average
Notes: Annual average
Notes: Annual average
Notes: Annual average
Notes: Annual average
Notes: Annual average
Notes: Annual average
Notes: Annual average
Notes: Annual average
Notes: Annual average
Notes: as a % of all MORTGAGE credits originated in calendar year (gross lending)
Notes: as a % of all MORTGAGE credits originated in calendar year (gross lending)
Notes: as a % of all MORTGAGE credits originated in calendar year (gross lending)
Notes: Assistance under the State Housing Plan 2018-2021 is currently in place for young people under 35 with income under 3 IPREM willing to purchase a home in a municipality with less than 5,000 inhabitants, thus addressing the issue of rural depopulation. The amount granted shall not exceed 10,800 euros per dwelling, limited to 20% of the purchase price of the home.
Notes: Assistance under the State Housing Plan 2018-2021 is currently in place for young people under 35 with income under 3 IPREM. Applicants can benefit from a maximum reduction of 50% in the monthly rent, depending on the geographical area
Notes: Building Price Index for new developments
Notes: Building Price Index for new developments
Notes: Building Price Index for new developments
Notes: Building Price Index for new developments
Notes: Building Price Index for new developments
Notes: Building Price Index for new developments
Notes: Building Price Index for new developments
Notes: Building Price Index for new developments
Notes: Building Price Index for new developments
Notes: Building Price Index for new developments
Notes: Building Price Index for new developments
Notes: Building Price Index for new developments
Notes: Building Price Index for new developments
Notes: Building Price Index for new developments
Notes: Figure exclusively includes credits granted for house purchase or ownership purposes.
Notes: Figure exclusively includes credits granted for house purchase or ownership purposes.
Notes: Figure exclusively includes credits granted for house purchase or ownership purposes.
Notes: Figure exclusively includes credits granted for house purchase or ownership purposes.
Notes: Figure exclusively includes credits granted for house purchase or ownership purposes.
Notes: Figure exclusively includes credits granted for house purchase or ownership purposes.
Notes: Figure exclusively includes credits granted for house purchase or ownership purposes.
Notes: Figure exclusively includes credits granted for house purchase or ownership purposes.
Notes: Figure exclusively includes credits granted for house purchase or ownership purposes.
Notes: Figure exclusively includes credits granted for house purchase or ownership purposes.
Notes: Figure exclusively includes credits granted for house purchase or ownership purposes.
Notes: Figure exclusively includes credits granted for house purchase or ownership purposes.
Notes: Figure exclusively includes credits granted for house purchase or ownership purposes.
Notes: Figure exclusively includes credits granted for house purchase or ownership purposes.
Notes: Figure exclusively includes credits granted for house purchase or ownership purposes.
Notes: Figure exclusively includes credits granted for house purchase or ownership purposes.
Notes: Figure exclusively includes credits granted for house purchase or ownership purposes.
Notes: Figure exclusively includes credits granted for house purchase or ownership purposes.
Notes: Figure exclusively includes credits granted for house purchase or ownership purposes.
Notes: Figure exclusively includes credits granted for house purchase or ownership purposes.
Notes: In 2013 the tax deductibility for primary residence buyers ended. Nevertheless, those taxpayers who were deducting part of the expenses ascribed to the purchase and financing of their main residence prior to the date of suspension took effect, remain entitled to a tax deduction.
Notes: In 2013 the tax deductibility for primary residence buyers ended. Nevertheless, those taxpayers who were deducting part of the expenses ascribed to the purchase and financing of their main residence prior to the date of suspension took effect, remain entitled to a tax deduction.
Notes: In 2013 the tax deductibility for primary residence buyers ended. Nevertheless, those taxpayers who were deducting part of the expenses ascribed to the purchase and financing of their main residence prior to the date of suspension took effect, remain entitled to a tax deduction.
Notes: In 2013 the tax deductibility for primary residence buyers ended. Nevertheless, those taxpayers who were deducting part of the expenses ascribed to the purchase and financing of their main residence prior to the date of suspension took effect, remain entitled to a tax deduction.
Notes: In 2013 the tax deductibility for primary residence buyers ended. Nevertheless, those taxpayers who were deducting part of the expenses ascribed to the purchase and financing of their main residence prior to the date of suspension took effect, remain entitled to a tax deduction.
Notes: In terms of outstanding mortgage lending.
Notes: In terms of outstanding mortgage lending.
Notes: Initial Fix 5 < years <= 10, Initial Fix 1< year <= 5 is 2.9%
Notes: Initial Fix 5 < years <= 10, Initial Fix 1< year <= 5 is 3.7%
Notes: Initial Fix 5 < years <= 10, Initial Fix 1< year <= 5 is 3.8%
Notes: Initial Fix 5 < years <= 10, Initial Fix 1< year <= 5 is 5.4%
Notes: Initial Fix 5 < years <= 10, Initial Fix 1< year <= 5 is 5.9%
Notes: Lenders are obligated to publish relevant data in their annual accounts
Notes: Lenders are obligated to publish relevant data in their annual accounts
Notes: Lenders are obligated to publish relevant data in their annual accounts
Notes: Lenders are obligated to publish relevant data in their annual accounts
Notes: Lenders are obligated to publish relevant data in their annual accounts
Notes: market shares as % NEW loans. Data refers to initial fixed rate >= 10 years
Notes: market shares as % NEW loans. Data refers to initial fixed rate >= 10 years
Notes: market shares as % NEW loans. Data refers to initial fixed rate >= 10 years
Notes: market shares as % NEW loans. Data refers to initial fixed rate >= 10 years
Notes: market shares as % NEW loans. Data refers to initial fixed rate >= 10 years
Notes: market shares as % NEW loans. Data refers to initial fixed rate >= 10 years
Notes: market shares as % NEW loans. Data refers to initial fixed rate >= 10 years
Notes: market shares as % NEW loans. Data refers to initial fixed rate >= 10 years
Notes: market shares as % NEW loans. Data refers to initial fixed rate >= 10 years
Notes: Most lenders use credit scoring but there is no official data.
Notes: Most lenders use credit scoring but there is no official data.
Notes: Most lenders use credit scoring but there is no official data.
Notes: Most lenders use credit scoring but there is no official data.
Notes: Most lenders use credit scoring but there is no official data.
Notes: National figures
Notes: National figures
Notes: National figures
Notes: National figures
Notes: National figures
Notes: National figures
Notes: National figures
Notes: National figures
Notes: National figures
Notes: National figures
Notes: National figures
Notes: National figures
Notes: National figures
Notes: National figures
Notes: National figures
Notes: National figures
Notes: National figures
Notes: National figures
Notes: National figures
Notes: nominal prices
Notes: nominal prices
Notes: nominal prices
Notes: nominal prices
Notes: nominal prices
Notes: not anymore (since Jan 2013)
Notes: Not anymore since January 2013
Notes: Not frequently used
Notes: Not frequently used.
Notes: Only for loans used as central bank collateral
Notes: Only for loans used as central bank collateral
Notes: Only for loans used as central bank collateral
Notes: Public and Private
Notes: Public and Private
Notes: Public and Private
Notes: Public and Private
Notes: Public and Private
Notes: Public and Private
Notes: Public and Private
Notes: Rented below market price
Notes: Rented below market price
Notes: Rented below market price
Notes: Rented below market price
Notes: Rented below market price
Notes: Residential mortgages the maximum LTV allowed is 80%. The new Mortgage Regulation approved in December 2007 allows for LTVs for residential loans of between 80% and 95%, provided that the loans carry mortgage insurance cover for the excess over the 80% threshold.
Notes: Residential mortgages the maximum LTV allowed is 80%. The new Mortgage Regulation approved in December 2007 allows for LTVs for residential loans of between 80% and 95%, provided that the loans carry mortgage insurance cover for the excess over the 80% threshold.
Notes: Residential mortgages the maximum LTV allowed is 80%. The new Mortgage Regulation approved in December 2007 allows for LTVs for residential loans of between 80% and 95%, provided that the loans carry mortgage insurance cover for the excess over the 80% threshold.
Notes: Residential mortgages the maximum LTV allowed is 80%. The new Mortgage Regulation approved in December 2007 allows for LTVs for residential loans of between 80% and 95%, provided that the loans carry mortgage insurance cover for the excess over the 80% threshold.
Notes: Residential mortgages the maximum LTV allowed is 80%. The new Mortgage Regulation approved in December 2007 allows for LTVs for residential loans of between 80% and 95%, provided that the loans carry mortgage insurance cover for the excess over the 80% threshold.
Notes: short and medium term fixed (1-10y rate fixation)
Notes: short and medium term fixed (1-10y rate fixation)
Notes: short and medium term fixed (1-10y rate fixation)
Notes: short and medium term fixed (1-10y rate fixation)
Notes: short and medium term fixed (1-10y rate fixation)
Notes: short and medium term fixed (1-10y rate fixation)
Notes: short and medium term fixed (1-10y rate fixation)
Notes: short and medium term fixed (1-10y rate fixation)
Notes: short and medium term fixed (1-10y rate fixation)
Notes: short and medium term fixed (1-10y rate fixation)
Notes: short and medium term fixed (1-10y rate fixation)
Notes: short and medium term fixed (1-10y rate fixation)
Notes: The data refers to the total number of credit institutions but there is not available data of the number of which originating and funding mortgage loans. A) Deposit-taking institutions: 275 of which, Spanish companies:189 B) Specialized credit institutions: 59 TOTAL CREDIT INSTITUTIONS (A+B): 335
Notes: The data refers to the total number of credit institutions but there is not available data of the number of which originating and funding mortgage loans. A) Deposit-taking institutions: 280 of which, Spanish companies: 201 B) Specialised credit institutions: 76 TOTAL CREDIT INSTITUTIONS (A+B): 357
Notes: The data refers to the total number of credit institutions but there is not available data of the number of which originating and funding mortgage loans. A) Deposit-taking institutions: 276 of which, Spanish companies: 188 B) Specialized credit institutions: 59 TOTAL CREDIT INSTITUTIONS (A+B): 337
Notes: The data refers to the total number of credit institutions but there is not available data of the number of which originating and funding mortgage loans. A) Deposit-taking institutions: 280 of which, Spanish companies: 192 B) Specialised credit institutions: 70 TOTAL CREDIT INSTITUTIONS (A+B): 352
Notes: The legal maximum applies only to loans used as Central Bank collateral
Notes: The legal maximum applies only to loans used as Central Bank collateral
Notes: The legal maximum applies only to loans used as Central Bank collateral
Notes: variable rate - up to 1y rate fixation
Notes: variable rate - up to 1y rate fixation
Notes: variable rate - up to 1y rate fixation
Notes: variable rate - up to 1y rate fixation
Notes: variable rate - up to 1y rate fixation
Notes: variable rate - up to 1y rate fixation
Notes: variable rate - up to 1y rate fixation
Notes: variable rate - up to 1y rate fixation
Notes: variable rate - up to 1y rate fixation
Notes: variable rate - up to 1y rate fixation
Notes: variable rate - up to 1y rate fixation
Notes: variable rate - up to 1y rate fixation
Notes: Variable, less than equal to 1 year
Notes: Variable, less than equal to 1 year
Notes: Variable, less than equal to 1 year
Notes: Variable, less than equal to 1 year
Notes: Variable, less than equal to 1 year